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Department of Comparative Language Science


News list

  • New publication by Stefan Dedio and Paul Widmer on Old and Middle Irish

  • Bickel, Stoll and Gardani lecturing at COEDL

  • Bickel to give plenary at ALS Anniversary Conference

  • Talks by department members at ALS

  • Several talks by IVS members at ALT

  • Mathias Jenny to give talk on "Verb initial structures as an archaic feature of Austroasiatic" at the ALT conference

  • Mathias Jenny to give talk titled "In search of Austroasiatic - word order and clause structure" at University of Potsdam

  • Sebastian Sauppe and Rik van Gijn receive funding for pilot project

  • New publication by Paul Widmer on Tocharian

  • National Geographic Explorer grant awarded to Sebastian Sauppe

  • New paper by Sebastian Sauppe on German sentence production

  • New research project sponsored by SNSF

  • New book by Manuel Widmer

  • DAI workshop to take place on 9 October 2017

  • Vorträge von Mitgliedern des IVS auf dem "33. Deutschen Orientalistentag, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena"

  • Stefan Dedio, Francesco Gardani, Peter Ranacher, Paul Widmer gave two talks at the workshop "New Approaches to Brittonic historical Linguistics"

  • 5'000 books into the NEBIS catalog until 31st August 2017

  • “Borrowed Morphology”, edited by Francesco Gardani, Peter Arkadiev & Nino Amiridze, goes paperback

  • Damián Blasi gave an invited talk at "Statistics of language: therories and experiments"

  • New publication by Francesco Gardani

  • Stefan Dedio, Manuel Widmer and Paul Widmer to give talks at the 23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics in San Antonio, Texas

  • New publication by Manuel Widmer & Marius Zemp

  • New paper from Simon Townsend on the dwarf mongoose alarm call system

  • New paper from Sabrina Engesser and Simon Townsend on pied babbler call combinations

  • Balthasar Bickel to give talk on the scope of evolutionary biases in language

  • Charlotte Schweri defended PhD thesis

  • New publication by Mathias Jenny

  • Bickel to give a talk at an MPI Nijmegen workshop on new questions and methods in linguistics.

  • Mathias Jenny to teach introductory courses in linguistics as visiting lecturer at the University of Mawlamyine, Myanmar.

  • Talk by Bob Ladd and Stephan Schmid at PaPE

  • Talks by Alys Boote Cooper and André Müller at the Chulalongkorn International Student Symposium on Southeast Asian Linguistics

  • Mathias Jenny, Alys Boote Cooper & Paul Widmer gave talk at conference "Contact-driven multilingual practices"

  • Talk by Stephan Schmid at ICLaVE 9

  • AUTOTYP database released!

  • Steven Moran gave a talk at the 25th Manchester Phonology Meeting

  • Talk by Florian Sommer in Halle

  • Stephan Schmid co-author of new paper on speech perception

  • Damián Blasi gave invited talk at ENS

  • New professor at the department: Welcome to Simon Townsend!

  • New publication by Bickel on linguistic areas and universals

  • Bickel and Derungs at Monte Verità Conference on Spatial Boundaries and Transitions

  • Keynote by Damián Blasi at Paris-Sorbonne

  • Florian Sommer giving invited talk in Bern

  • IDG new paper

  • Am 20. und 21. April halten mehrere Mitglieder des IVS Vorträge auf dem 3. Indogermanistischen Forschungskolloquium in Wien

  • Library network 'Bibliotheksverbund Platte' launched! Improved opening hours (Mon-Fri, 9-17) and facilities for students and staff

  • Inaugural talk by Mathias Jenny on "Southeast Asian linguistic landscapes - unity in diversity", April 3, 2017, 18:15.

  • New publication by Paul Widmer on argument selection and the morphosyntax of the Breton and Brittonic verbal complex

  • Stefan Dedio, Paul Widmer to present workshop paper at 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Thessaloniki)

  • Phonetic variation in contemporary Spanish

  • An article with the title "How Society Shapes Language: Personal Pronouns in the Greater Burma Zone" by André Müller and Rachel Weymuth has recently been published in "Asiatische Studien - Éudes Asiatiques" (Volume 71, Issue 1).

  • Balthasar Bickel to give keynote at Conference on Phylogenetics Methods

  • Language and Migration

  • Balthasar Bickel in the UZH Magazin

  • Rik van Gijn gives inaugural lecture

  • PAZ in the Press The Ticinese newspaper “Giornale del Popolo“ published a full paper report in its weekend issue of the 25th of February on the latest publication of the Phonogram Archives

  • Mathias Jenny, Volker Dellwo, Paul Widmer to present their research at Mandalay University, Myanmar

  • Workshop „Linguistic diversity meets the brain“ to be held at IVS, 15-17 May 2017

  • Recursion in language evolution: new paper by IVS team accepted by "Language”

  • Stephan Schmid to present at AISV in Pisa

  • Upcoming workshop on diachronic morphology (DIAMOR) organized by IVS members

  • Michele Loporcaro and Francesco Gardani editors-in-chief of the new Oxford encyclopedia of Romance linguistics