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Department of Comparative Language Science


News list

  • New paper by Edgar Suter "The Asmat-Muli languages of southwestern New Guinea"

  • New paper by Sebastian Sauppe: "Speaking for seeing: Sentence structure guides visual event apprehension"

  • Sebastian Sauppe publishes "Speaking for seeing: Sentence structure guides visual event apprehension"

  • New paper by Chundra Cathcart "Disentangling dialects: a neural approach to Indo-Aryan historical phonology and subgrouping"

  • New paper on historical German-Lithuanian language contact by Florian Sommer

  • Chundra Cathcart, Andi Hölzl, Paul Widmer, Gerhard Jäger and Balthasar Bickel published the latest results from an SNSF project on Indo-Iranian noun phrases in Language Dynamics and Change

  • New paper by Chundra Cathcart and colleagues on Indo-Iranian numeral classifiers

  • Talk by Sabine Stoll on documenting language acquisition

  • Ricarda Scherschel successfully defended her PhD

  • New paper by Piera Filippi on Emotional Voice Intonation and the Origins of Speech Processing and Word-Meaning Associations

  • New Paper by Carmen Saldaña Gascon on learning biases in person-number linearization

  • Call combinations in dwarf mongooses: department members combine linguistic and biological expertise in a new paper in Proc B

  • Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of L2 speakers: new paper to appear in Studies in Language

  • New Paper by Kellen Parker Van Dam

  • New paper by Manuel Widmer

  • New paper by Kellen Parker Van Dam

  • Guanghao You is to present his work on "Processing causatives in first language acquisition A computational approach"

  • Talk by Christian Ebert at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

  • Special feature on ‘Celebrating Linguistic Diversity’ in the latest Research*eu magazine presenting ERC research of the ACQDIV project from Sabine Stoll and her group.

  • New open access paper from Vanessa Wilson on macaque gaze responses to a virtual monkey

  • New paper from Vanessa Wilson on the facial Width-to-Height ratio in chimpanzees and links to age, sex and personality

  • Vanessa Wilson gave an invited online talk in Moritz Daum's lab in Zürich's Psychology department

  • Vanessa Wilson gave a talk at the annual NeuZü Meeting in Neuchatel

  • Beta version of the Zurich online edition of the Atharvaveda Paippalāda online

  • Andreas Hölzl to give an invited talk in Prague

  • Arrate Isasi-Isasmendi gave talk at “Linguistic Consequences of Language Contact” Workshop

  • Talk by Carmen Saldana on August 1st 9.20h EST at this year’s 42nd Annual Virtual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, within the session called “Comparative and Cultural Cognition”. Title: "Rational After All: Changes in Probability Matching Behaviour Across Time in Humans and Monkeys".

  • Andreas Hölzl to give invited talk in Szeged

  • "In search of isoglosses: continuous and discrete language embeddings in Slavic historical phonology" by Chundra Cathcart and Florian Wandl

  • «NFS Evolving Language: ein nationaler Forschungsschwerpunkt zur Sprache» auf dem Blog der SAGW

  • A bias towards category clustering: new Language paper by Mansfield, Stoll & Bickel

  • «Reading Minds», Artikel über Balthasar Bickel im UZH Magazin 1/20

  • «Die Gedanken wären dann nicht mehr frei», SRF 1 Echo der Zeit Podcast mit Balthasar Bickel

  • «Können Computer bald unsere Gedanken lesen?» Tagesanzeiger Interview mit Balthasar Bickel und Anne-Lise Giraud zum NCCR Evolving Language

  • «Gefährlich wie die Atombombe», Weltwoche Interview mit Balthasar Bickel und Anne-Lise Giraud zum NCCR Evolving Language

  • New publication by Anna Jancso, Steven Moran, and Sabine Stoll on the ACQDIV Corpus Database.

  • New paper from Mael Leroux and Simon Townsend on call combinations in great apes and the evolutionary origins of syntax

  • Dagmar Jung receives 4-year grant to continue work with Dene

  • Austroasiatic syntax in areal and diachronic perspective

  • Interview with Balthasar Bickel on the NCCR Evolving Language

  • First treebank of Vedic Sanskrit released

  • Kellen van Dam gave talk at NEILS

  • New publication by Steven Moran

  • New publications by Yoko Yamazaki

  • New publications by Natalia Chousou-Polydouri